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Discover Your Natural Cure For Diabetes

Discover Your Natural Cure  

Are you tired of seeking ways to cure diabetes? Your best remedy lies with natural cure for diabetes

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a disorder of our metabolism. Metabolism is the way our bodies use digested food for growth and energy.

Foods we eat are broken down into glucose (a form of sugar in the blood). Insulin helps our cells to take in the glucose for energy and growth.

Diabetes develops when insulin levels are insufficient or there is resistance to insulin.
The body has three types of diabetes.

The first type usually develops during childhood because of low level or no insulin.
The second type does not depend on insulin. It affects mostly the elderly and the overweight, and it is the most common of diabetes.

The third type is the gestational diabetes. It occurs during women's pregnancy.
All the types of diabetes can be treated with natural cures.

Type 1 may require a medical attention while using natural remedies, because of its severity.
Here are some of the important home remedies for consideration.

Pumpkin foods to cure diabetes
Chinese use pumpkin foods to help lower blood sugar. Diabetes patients can eat any of the pumpkin families, such as all kinds of summer pumpkins, cucumbers, squash, and winter pumpkins, on daily basis.

Gingko biloba treatment for diabetes
Gingko biloba stimulates blood flow in the body. Look for the brand that is standardized to 24 percent flavone glycosides and take the recommended dosage for diabetes treatment.

Jambul tree for diabetes.
People living in the far east may have easier access to this remedy. Grind the dried seeds into powder and take ¼ teaspoon of it with one teaspoon of honey every morning. Jambul seeds are known to reduce blood sugar by 20 percent.

Wild carrots for diabetes
Boil some wild carrots in a cup of water and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink several cups of the juice a day for diabetes treatment.

Cumin seed powder for diabetes
Drink a cup of water mixed with half teaspoon of cumin seed powder, twice a day for treatment of diabetes.

Niacinamide for diabetes cure
Niacinamide, is one of the B vitamins. It is highly considered as an important nutrient for treating type 1 diabetes. If you take niacinamide at the early stage of diabetes, it can restore more function to the pancreas and also help limit insulin injection.

CoQ10 for curing diabetes
People with diabetes usually have low CoQ10. It is known to have lowered blood-sugar levels. It also prevents LDL cholesterol oxidation, which is more common in people with diabetes.

Diabetes diet
It is very important to eat well. Your diet must include high fiber foods and high carbohydrates starchy foods such as rice, pasta, and whole grains. You must also consider eating Chromium foods such as broccoli and grains, which are good for diabetes.

Try to reduce stress
Try to reduce stress by doing some outdoor activities, such as fishing, camping, going for a walk, and exercising. Under stressful condition, the adrenal glands pump out the hormone cortisol, which hampers insulin's ability to clear blood of sugar from the body.
There are some other remedies you may want to consider for treatment. Cinnamon improves insulin sensitivity and utilization in the body. Evening primrose and fish oil also support the nervous system and assists in proper insulin function.
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