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A Cure For Diabetes

Expert Author Steve PhippsMillions of people world wide deal with diabetes as a part of their everyday life. We follow our medical treatment plans by watching our diet, taking our diabetic medications and exercising on a regular basis.

We do all these things to keep our disease under control while we wait for the cure for diabetes.
There are many people in the alternative medicine field that have been claiming there is a natural cure for eversing diabetes. This has become an intensely debated issue with testimonials popping up around the Internet from people who say they have been cured of their diabetes through one method or another. Modern medical science has made many strides in treatment for the disease and in recent years fantastic new drugs, testing devices and tests to track a diabetics progress have made it easier to control the disease.

If you listen to the alternative medicine experts and even some conventional health care professionals claim there is a diabetic cure and the medical community along with drug companies have tried to hide this secret diabetes cure for fear or the loss of jobs and a great amount of annual revenue the disease generates. There are 6 million new cases every year. Talk about a growing customer base.

The only cures the mainstream medical community will admit to are pancreas transplants and pancreas cell transplants which are both only used in medical emergency cases. This means if the disease has progressed far enough that damage his been caused to vital organs the patient becomes eligible for the transplant list as a life saving measure. The other issue with transplants becomes the need for patients to take strong medications for the rest of there lives and reports have it that the side effects are sometimes worse than the disease itself.

I believe there could possibly be a natural cure for diabetes as we are supposed to have everything we need to sustain life built right in here on earth.

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