Almost one in 20 people now have diabetes by age 60. As of 2010 more than 285 million people had diabetes and the number is growing rapidly. The question is, can diabetes be cured?
Diabetes is Ruining My Life!
For some with type 2 diabetes the on set of symptoms can be very slow, while others reading this may already be suffering from blurred vision, increased infections, slow healing, fatigue, increased appetite and thirst and irritability. Besides the long term risks of diabetes and high blood pressure, for many the worst is constantly feeling tired and the huge weight gain. This can quickly become a downward spiral of even worse eating habits, lack of energy to work out and combat weight gain and of course mounting stress which does nothing good for blood pressure. It obviously isn't long before this affects self-esteem and sex drive and can cause even further problems.
Don't let diabetes take you down!
Learning to Live With Diabetes
You can let it destroy your life or dampen the quality of your life or choose to fight back. It doesn't matter why you got it, whether it is insulin resistance or not producing enough or whether your parents and grandparents had it and you think it is genetic. You don't have to suffer or let it ruin your life.
There is a lot you can do to minimize the symptoms and risks of diabetes and manage it. Yes, this may mean a few lifestyle changes but likely ones that you should be making to stay in great shape and remain looking and feeling your best anyway.
First off, stop smoking. Yes, this may be the last thing you want to do right at this moment but after you kick it, in a couple of weeks you will see it as being the best thing you have ever done.
Start getting regular exercise. It may be tough getting into it at first but it does get easier. At least start walking every day. Find an activity you enjoy. Maybe it's tennis, volleyball or even just golf - start playing every week. Or perhaps hiring a hot trainer who will inspire you to get to the gym every day is exactly what you need to inspire you.
Your Medications Could Be Killing You!
Get on medication and just suck it up right? Wrong. Diabetes medication can be necessary for some at the beginning. However, it is not a cure. In fact your diabetes medication could not only be making your diabetes worse but putting your life in danger.
Diabetes drugs have been repeatedly pointed at for increasing cancer risks, with some like Avandia increasing the chance of having a heart attack by a whopping 33%!
Kicking the regular soda and opting for artificial sweeteners isn't the answer either as they have been accused of causing a whole array of health issues. In fact aspartame was found responsible for 75% of all adverse reactions from the food supply during an entire 14 year period. This additive breaks down into formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen.
Others Are Reversing Diabetes...
Yes, others are not just managing their diabetes or dulling the symptoms. Diabetes is reversible and curable in some cases. Many have been dropping their blood sugar levels so low that their doctors have been rushing to taken them off of these potentially dangerous medications.
In fact one 20 year veteran doctor has be helping patients to do this on a consistent basis, without having patients resort to extreme exercise routines and has developed a step by step plan which former diabetes patients have raved about.
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